Wednesday, August 26, 2009


What do you do when nothing goes right?
You wait for anything to go right.. then you wait for something to go right.. and finally you wait for everything to go right..
Isn't that the norm? But who follows norms now-a-days... Isn't it fashionable not to follow them actually?
Which makes me ponder whether the word Norm comes from the word Normal.
Generally, whatever the majority of people have or behave is termed as normal. If you are not a part of that majority then you will be labelled abnormal.
Because 99% of humans have 5 fingers each, it is normal. if you are otherwise,then you are a freak.
Humans it seems are scared of 'not belonging' to any group. After all isn't Man a social animal?
An autistic child is called mad because it doesn't adhere to the so called behavior of normal children.
The television soap "Aapki Antara " airing on Zee T.V. showcases this attitude very beautifully.. It is trying to put across the trauma that the child and its parents go through for not being normal.
Agreed, we have been brought up this way, so that sub consciously the abnormality stings us.
But we can definitely, consciously fight it out.
I believe one has to be really lucky, I mean really, to be Abnormal. Different from the next individual.
Isn't it the Norm today, anyways?


Sarvesh Kantak said...

Well said...

I guess the difference between a Normal & Abnormal could be that a normal person would never know that s/he is abnormal till s/he is confronted with abnormality.

Because 99% of humans have 5 fingers each, it is normal. if you are otherwise,then you are a freak. or should we say 'KRISH'

Priyanka Kantak said...

Hmmm. Rather very well said, sarvesh.. Aptly exemplified!!!!